User Groups

User Groups #

This section provides access to see all of the user groups that have been configured on the product and manage which users are a member of each.

User groups provide a away to logically group users on the system together. This grouping can then be used within reports to monitor performance or to filter for specific calls.

Group membership is not compulsory for users and they can be made a member of multiple groups (for future use).

Primary User Groups #

When adding a user to a group, you can make this their 'Primary Group'. Primary groups are used for tracking calls against groups. A user may be a member of two or more different groups so for the purposes of reporting, telephone calls will only be tagged with the user's primary group, not every group they are a member of.

Document note
Primary group changes will only have an effect on future calls that are made by the user. If a user moves between teams or departments and their primary group is changed, only new calls will be tagged with the new primary group. All their historic calls will remain unchanged.

Adding/Editing Users #

New groups can be added by clicking the '+ New group' button at the top-right of the user groups grid. Existing ones can be edited by selected the 'Edit' action for a specific group.

The name provided for the group will be displayed on call reports and can be used in filters as required. The description can be used to document the use of the group for other user management users.

Using the 'Members' tab, users can be added and removed from the group as required. If the 'Make this the primary group for members on next save' option is selected, all members of the group (not just new ones added) will have their primary group updated.

Hand Left warning
Changes to a user's primary group will only have an effect on calls made/received after the change.

Cloning Group #

To clone a user group, click on the 'Clone' action and then provide a new group name in the form which loads. Any users that were a member of the source group will automatically be added as members of the new group.

Deleting Groups #

To delete a user group, click on the 'Delete' action and confirm the required action in the pop-up dialog. A form prompting for a new primary group will be displayed for any users that were using the deleted group as their primary group.