
Dispositions #

Dispositions is feature designed require certain types of calls to be given call results. These 'Dispositions' (or lack of) can then be reported on through the reporting and dashboard/wallboard features.

This section provides information on how dispositions work and how they are configured.

How Dispositions Work #

Dispositions work in a similar way to call tag lists, but instead of being optional, they are required. Each disposition instance created requires a filter to be provided. Any call which matches the filter requires dispositioning.

Users who have Call Dispositions enabled on their client profile, will be prompted to enter a disposition during the call or after the call on the dedicated dispositions call history.

Disposition Rule Orders #

When a call is answered by a user, the disposition rules will be searched with the calls properties to see if there is a match. The first disposition rule to match the calls details will be passed to the user to apply to the call.

Due to this restriction, it is recommended to have disposition rules with the most restrictive filters at the top of the disposition rules list.

Color Wand tip
Disposition rules can be re-ordered using the tab on the left side of the dispositions grid.

Details #

Dispositions can be managed from the 'Settings' area of the portal. Any user with the 'Manage Customer Settings' permission can add or edit tags.

To add a call tag, simply press the '+ Add Tag' button. Each tag must be given a 'Name' which will then be visible on Call List and Filters.

Information Circle info
Once tag instances have been created, they cannot be deleted. This is so that historical tag data can always be reported on and filtered.
Parameters Description
Name A short name for the disposition
Prompt Text that will be displayed to the user when being prompted to disposition the call.
Tool-tip Longer description that will appear under a tool-tip for the user when prompted to enter a disposition.
Provide details of what the disposition options are.
Call direction Filter option to help indicate which calls should be dispositioned.
Call type Filter option to help indicate which calls should be dispositioned.
Enabled Toggle the dispositions on or off. When off, users will not be prompted, but historical dispositions can still be reported on.

Disposition filters #

The 'Call direction' and 'Call type' filters are an essential part of each disposition. They control which calls are expected to be dispositioned.

Call direction

Directions Description
All calls No direction filter, both incoming and outgoing calls will be included.
Incoming Only incoming external calls. Use the Call type filter to restrict the calls further.
Outgoing Only outgoing external calls.
Information Circle info
Only external calls can be dispositioned, not intercom calls.

Call type

Types Description
All calls No call type filter
DID calls Enter one or more DID numbers that the disposition code should be applied to.
Queue calls Select one or more queues. Any call being answered at a selected queue will need to be dispositioned.
User Select one or more users. Any of the selected users' external calls matching the 'Call direction' selected will need to be dispositioned.
User Group Select one or more users. Any external calls made by a user with a matching primary user group will need to be dispositioned.

Values #

On the 'Values' tab, enter each of the valid options for the disposition. These options will be offered to the user when dispositioning the call.

The order in which the values are saved is the order in which they are presented to the user. It is advisable to have the most commonly selected values at the top of the list. Values can be reordered using the drag tag on the left side.

Apply a default value #

The default value can be used to disposition a call without providing a value. When a default value is enabled, if a use does not selected a disposition during the call, the default disposition will automatically be assigned.

Information Circle info
Dispositions can be overridden by the user from the disposition history within the ~.UcClient.~ Web client.

Applying Dispositions to a Call #

~.UcClient.~ Web Edition #

The ~.UcClient.~ Web client provides a dedicated interface for users to disposition calls. It also provides a badge count to notify the user when they have outstanding dispositions.

For more information, please refer to the client docs.

Webhook #

Dispositions can also be applied to calls using webhooks (in the same way as the ~.Dimensions.~ call tag feature). The URLs to use for dispositioning a call can be found on the 'URLs' tab when editing a disposition.

Information Circle info
The tag URLs are only displayed once a tag instance has been created. If creating a new tag instance, save it and edit to see the unique tag URLs.
Document note

Ensure the region in the URL matches the region where your system is hosted:


External URLs

These URLs can be used when tagging calls from an external application (or phone). In this scenario, the ~.Dimensions.~ user id or Presence Id (extension no) for the user tagging the call needs to be provided. This will be used to identify which call to tag with the value.



Color Wand tip
The ~.Dimensions.~ user Id can be found in the URL of the portal when editing a user.