Archived Release Notes #
2020 Releases #
1.56.0 - Dec 21st, 2020 #
- Call Direction now a filter on Calls by User reports.
- Modelling now able to identify calls to fax machine.
- Wallboard will dynamically refresh on configuration changes in another browser.
- Issue resolved where config updates could cause inconsistent agent numbers.
- RoutePath information now updated when call hits a user, not just end of call.
1.55.0 - Dec 1st, 2020 #
- Localisation support for UK as well as default US
- Fix for Overflowed call stat when overflow to external device (Ticket #44270)
FireTV (Nov 23rd 1.0.20325.3)
- Back button will clear full screen alarm
- Wallboard refreshes on changes to website view
- Wallboard now more subtle about temporary loss of connection
- Font will dynamically resize in response to change in length of field
- Fixed possible loss of token during authentication refresh
1.54.0 - Nov 12th, 2020 - Sprint 54 #
- New User Groups for grouping and reporting on users now available (under Settings).
1.53.1 - Oct 26th, 2020 - Sprint 53 #
- New Park Time statistics in Call Reports.
- Filters and Date ranges now show on Scheduled reports (allow you to have more than one version of the same report on a schedule).
- New Clone Wallboard View option (under settings of the view).
FireTV (Oct 14th 1.0.20288.2)
- Add support for FireTV Lite and All-new FireTV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote.
- Add support for fixed rows or column display to FireTV.
- Add Current Year, Month, Week, Day fields to FireTV.
- Add current Date/Time fields to FireTV.
1.52.1 - Sep 29th, 2020 - Sprint 52 #
- Hang-up Cause Field now available in Call List Reports and Call Session Views. Provides insight on how the call was terminated
- New option to ignore Short Answered calls on reports. Filters out unintentional calls.
- Drill-down feature now available in Calls by Month, Calls by Week and Calls by Day Summary Reports. Click-thru to see the list of calls for that period.
- Quick Filters now available on Tiles. Simply add a filter setting to a tile without first creating a full filter.
- Add new tiles by simply cloning an existing tile. Helps in creating sets of similar tiles with different filters.
FireTV (v1.0.20268.4)
- The Live, QA, Staging selection screen is no longer necessary on startup.
- Fixed rows or columns. Allows you to maintain the overall look of the display.
- New current Year, Month, Week, and Day fields, embedded as part of the wallboard.
- New current Date/Time fields.
1.51.1 - Sep 8th, 2020 - Sprint 51 #
- Contextual Help added to the Portals. Documentation shows information based on the current form.
- Standardised definitions of Abandoned, Lost, Short Ringing and Short Answered calls, for more consistency.
- Access Code for Scheduled Reports, enables workspace passwords for 3rd Party's to open emailed reports.
- Account Grouped reports now available for multi-location customer sites.
- Added thousands separator to numeric fields.
- Call Recording Media Player improvements.
1.50.1 - Aug 24th, 2020 - Sprint 50 #
- Warning displayed if using a filter that has fields that will not be applied on the current report type.
- New Queue Reports: Queue Calls by Day, Queue Calls by Day and Time, and Queue Calls by Time.
- Allow user to configure a fixed number of rows or columns on a wallboard view. Allows you to maintain the overall look of display.
- Manual Text Box now wraps long text messages.
FireTV (v1.0.20209.1)
- Improvements in reconnecting upon network failures (Tickets #43430 and #46350).
- Fixed issue that may cause the loading of tiles to freeze.
1.49.2 - Jul 21st, 2020 - Sprint 49 #
- Call Segment Recoding playback is now an embedded media player.
- Reports now use latest value for grouping fields (e.g. if User Name changed, use the latest value not the previous one).
- Quick filters now only offer applicable fields for filtering that report.
- Quick filters can now be added by clicking on a column heading on the report.
- Fixed issue where multiple != filters ddi not work (Ticket #43633).
- Filtering on text fields is now case insensitive.
- Improvements to chart report axis and titles.
- Chart export options now available for PDF, PNG and SVG as well as Excel.
1.48.1 - Jun 30th, 2020 - Sprint 48 #
- Filter conditions can now be edited rather than deleted and re-added to change.
- 'View' report option will run report if there is no cached copy.
- 'Queue Number' field now avoids leading comma if call was via a call flow menu.
- Fixed incorrect 'Contact Name' field on 'Top Dialled' and 'Top Received Numbers' reports.
- Fixed issue with alarm sound where only the 'Air Raid Siren' would play (Ticket #43410).
- Fixed alarm colours not resetting overnight (Ticket #43468).
- Updated documentation on how to use filter conditions.
1.47.2 - Jun 9th, 2020 - Sprint 47 #
- New version numbering for the system, matching the sprint.
- Click-thru reports added for duration and start time reports (see documentation).
- Add indicator that Quick Filter's are applied to report (along with the number indication on the quick filter icon).
- Route Path Fields available to add to relevant reports, containing the outside number with any additional pre-pended info added in the Callflows.
- Fix issues with Back mechanism on Click-thru reports.
1.0.20141 - May 21st, 2020 - Sprint 46 #
- Option to clone an existing workspace.
- Click-thru Drill Down on a number of reports (see documentation).
- Transferred In/Out now available as a filter option on applicable reports.
- Overflowed In/Out now available as a filter option on applicable reports.
- Trunk Usage report now has a capacity setting so you can see %usage (Customer Settings->Reporting->Number of outbound lines).
1.0.20126 - May 6th, 2020 - Sprint 45 #
- Double clicking prevention added to key functions.
- Save and Run option now takes you to the report screen, instead of returning you to the grid.
- Quick Filter advises on save if you have not completed adding a field.
1.0.20090 - Apr 2nd, 2020 - Sprint 43 #
- Fixed issue with Agent Summary and Calls by Queue report not being available at the Report Supervisor licence level.
- Fixed issue with Time zone config access stopping some reports from being run (Ticket #42817).
1.0.20069 - Mar 10th, 2020 - Sprint 41 #
- Ring Duration changes are now dynamic on reports (Wallboards actively using the statistic will need a refresh to take effect).
- Large reports now stream results for improved performance.
- Fixes to Call Rate and Service Level statistics
FireTV App (v0.0.20064.3) released
1.0.20045 - Feb 18th, 2020 - Sprint 38 #
- Current Date/Time and Current Time stats added when viewing through a web page.
- Fixed Call Queuing statistic.
1.0.20035 - Feb 4th, 2020 - Sprint 36 #
- Fixed issue with Report 'accordion' not sorting correctly (Ticket #42397).
- When using Qubicle/CC Pro, calls routing to voicemail will now show as a voicemail device (see Last Rang Device Name/Number field).
- New 'Queues Logged Into' stat for filtering Queue on Agent State (e.g. Agent Ready/Busy... in Queue).
- Active Call stats by User new filtering option (by Call).
1.0.20022 - Jan 28th, 2020 - Sprint 35 #
- Segmented View now has Segment labels.
- Modelling of Qubicle Queues to give reporting of ring time and voicemail.
- Create view highlights type choices.
- Tool-tips added to create view.
1.0.20022 - Jan 28th,2020 #
- Modelling of Qubicle Queues now reports on ring time and voicemail.
1.0.20016 - Jan 21st, 2020 - Sprint 34 #
- System in General Availability
Known Issues #
The table below lists the known problems and the expected fix date:
Issue Ref | Description | Expected Fix Date |
14647 | If running a version of prior to 5.0, Quick-calls answered on external devices (cell/home) generate incorrect Call Log entries. | n/a |