ACD Control

ACD Control #

  • Windows
  • Web Edition

The ACD control area will be visible for all users who have the Agent User Add-On role. As an agent, a user has the ability to log into queues to accept ACD calls.

ACD control provides the user with the necessary visibility of their agent status along with control options to change their agent status:

  • Session control -> Provides the user control of logging and out of being on duty as an agent
  • Queue control -> Choose which queues to take calls from
  • Status control -> Allows the user to switch between Away and Ready states as well as extending or canceling wrap up if applicable.

ACD control features appear at the top of the ~.UcClient.~ application if available:


The current agent status is clearly displayed. Clicking the status loads the ACD control menu which provides access to all the available functions.

Document note
For information on configuring the Agent User Add-On, please refer to the ~.Dimensions.~ portal documentation.

Logging In & Queue Availability #

If the user's current agent state is 'Logged Out', the ACD control menu will offer the 'Log In' function. Once logged in, a list of queues will be displayed which the user is a member of:


The toggle switch against each queue allows control over which queue the user wishes to accept calls from. This allows users to easily update their availability for a specific queue, when they need to cover for someone or take overflow calls when call traffic is abnormal.

Color Wand tip
When logging in with ~.UcClient.~, users will receive ACD calls on all of their configured devices.

Ready/Away #

While logged in, users can toggle their status between 'Ready' and 'Away' to control the flow of calls. The away status can be used instead of 'Log Out' to temporarily make the user unavailable. This is most commonly used when they are taking a break or going on lunch.


Once placed in the 'Away' state, the user will remain in this state until they manually set themselves to 'Ready'.

Wrap Time #

If configured against a queue, the user will be placed into the 'Wrap' state after a queue call has been cleared down. Wrap time is designed to allow users to complete any tasks which may be associated with a call before they are offered a new one.


When in the 'Wrap' state, the user can choose any of the following options:

  • End Wrap -> Sets the agent state straight to 'Ready' to accept more calls
  • Extend Wrap -> Requests the wrap time is restarted if the user requires additional time to complete a task.
  • Set Away -> Places the user into the away state which will stop call delivery until they manually set themselves to 'Ready'